Can my employer test me? A look at legal cannabis in CT – CT Insider

On Day 4, we focused on police and law enforcement.

That said, employers must have a written or electronic policy saying marijuana use is prohibited, and they’re required to give that policy to employees before it’s enacted.

Put another way, a THC-positive test can’t be the sole reason an employer doesn’t hire you.

And federal agencies or those getting federal funding that prohibits cannabis use would be allowed to not hire someone for prior use.

A reminder from Day 1: As with tobacco smoking and vaping, it’s illegal to smoke or vape within 25 feet of any doorway, window that can open or air intake vent of any building.

Let’s start with cities where 50,000 or more people live.

In Milford, that space is near a parking lot in the area of the Connecticut Post mall.

A legislative proposal called the SAFE Banking Act would prohibit federal regulators from imposing penalties on banks that accept money from legitimate cannabis businesses.

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