Christmas, Q and cannabis input ruse – Red Bluff Daily News

We’ve all heard the warnings about supply chain shortages – with dozens of ships stuck outside harbors and a shortage of workers in warehouses, trucking companies, couriers, and retail markets.

Personally, I am not a fan of the obligatory gift giving involved with Christmas.

However, if you do a lot of Christmas shopping – no judgement – this is the year to patronize your local small business folk.

If she isn’t too obnoxious about it, ask her what she has to offer and see if it matches anybody on your list.

Since I started in the industry myself 7 years ago, I have found many, if not most, direct sales products to be better than what I have bought in stores or online.

And speaking of winners, the winner of “Who’s The New Supe?,” Bill Moule, did a terrific job in his first day on the dais as a supervisor.

It was a quick and easy agenda Tuesday with nothing terribly controversial on it, but Moule asked questions relevant to the topics and even abstained from a vote, presumably to avoid a conflict of interest somewhere.

If he remains as reasonable as he came across that first meeting, there may be a sea change coming to our board.

and his dad would return from where they’ve been hiding out – one assumes the Afterlife –  to reinstate Donald Trump as president and make John John VP.

I suspect Q may actually be the cannibalistic deep state cabal.

And speaking of fools, I guess that’s what we all were when the city of Red Bluff promised public input on their new cannabis ordinance.

The council directed City Manager and City Attorney Rick Crabtree to send it to a law firm to make sure everything in it was legal.

Instead, Rick cobbled together his own ordinance and told the firm to do a rewrite.

Was the whole Advisory Committee was just a ruse to make it seem like they were actually interested in what the public had to say? The county invented this charade and it appears the city has become an attentive student.

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