Considering the Environmental Costs of Cannabis – Rolling Stone

Even a decade ago, growing cannabis created the carbon emissions equivalent to having three million cars on the road, and those figures no doubt have risen as more states have legalized.

Eventually, these cultivators realized they could “play God” when it came to the climate in the grow rooms but at an immense environmental cost.

For years, indoor-grown flower was considered higher quality due to a facility’s consistent climate, but correlation does not imply causation.

Given the urgency of the situation, regulated companies should continue to bring cannabis out of the shadows and embrace more efficient means of cultivation to create a positive global impact.

A 2021 study conducted by Colorado State University examining carbon emissions in over 1,000 indoor cultivation locations found that Midwestern states, Alaska and Hawaii had the highest levels of greenhouse emissions, while Florida and Colorado required the most resources to support dehumidifying and heating processes, respectively.

My organization, Glass House Brands, commissioned a study led by energy consultancy Seinergy to find out the environmental impact of our cultivation methods.

Indoor facilities require a tremendous amount of nonrenewable resources to power artificial lighting, air conditioning and dehumidification processes to produce consistent results.

Unfortunately, it seems some local regulations are either disincentivizing or outright banning outdoor and greenhouse cultivation, further compounding unforeseen environmental consequences.

Considering that the industry annually spends over $6 billion on electricity and that energy and water account for roughly half of total operating expenses, this approach is hindering the growth potential of the entire sector.

A 2021 study identified the UV radiation present in sunlight as a key determinant in stimulating cannabinoid biosynthesis, while an earlier study from 2019 demonstrated how conventional indoor lighting systems provided inconsistent photon concentrations compared to sunlight.

As cannabis continues to become legal at the state level, cultivators can apply technological innovations to greenhouse growing at scale.

Industry leaders should hold themselves accountable by self-reporting energy consumption, commissioning additional environmental studies, labeling sun-grown products and investing in consumer education.

As a nascent industry establishing its reputation within the global business community, this is an opportunity for cannabis leaders, entrepreneurs and advocates to lead by example.

In mainstream sectors, the ongoing sustainability push is driven by environmentally-conscious customers, and it’s time for cannabis consumers to assert their power as well.

Just as we buy oranges from Florida and corn from the Midwest, I believe it makes environmental and economic sense to grow cannabis in regions where it thrives naturally — not in conflict with Mother Nature, but in partnership with her.

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