Emulsion Technology Breaks New Ground with Cannabis Beverages – mg Magazine

But some stumble even here: A brownie may take effect in forty minutes, sixty minutes, or even a couple hours.

Cannabis beverages provide a safe method of consumption that’s a bit healthier than inhalables, allowing consumers to enjoy the familiar elevated experience in an even more familiar form—a drink.

These first-timer-friendly factors alone may account for the incredible statistics: According to analytics firm Headset, beverages are selling at six times the rate they were three years ago.

Emulsion is not a new concept.

In particular, homemade do-it-yourself emulsions can be dangerous to the consumer—it’s hard to know exactly how many milligrams of cannabinoids are being ingested.

To make the situation even more complicated, there’s no single ideal emulsion manufacturing process.

Emulsion science involves complex chemistry.

This brings the emulsion process to an incredibly precise, stable, consistent level, providing an almost instant physiological effect through optimized bioavailability.

The upshot of all these benefits is evident: increased consumer trust and clear expectations open up the market as the broader demographics expand market potential.

For the first time, they easily can experiment with different dosages and cannabinoids to learn how their body reacts and determine what works best for their specific needs.

Predictably, cannabis beverages now are challenging sales of alcoholic drinks and their well-known disadvantages: hangovers, calories, and a taste not everyone enjoys.

One additional benefit goes beyond “feeling good.” When taken for therapeutic reasons, CBD is backed by promising research that shows it may improve sleep, regulate digestion, decrease chronic pain and inflammation, and help relieve numerous other ailments.

This would not have been possible a few years ago with DIY emulsions, but the advanced emulsion technologies at our disposal today make it easy to incorporate these active ingredients into cannabis beverages.

We remain in the very early stages of fully understanding the cannabis plant and its value to society, but our industry is driven by entrepreneurs with a unique passion for innovation and creativity.

He leads all commercial activities, including technical sales, tactical marketing, and new business development, in addition to facilitating partnerships to produce cannabis-infused products across a variety of industries.

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