How Cannabis Changed This Proud Air Force Veteran’s Life For the Better – Green Entrepreneur

According to a 2019 Veterans Health and Medical Cannabis Study, 94% of veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder have turned to cannabis to alleviate psychological symptoms such as anxiety, stress and sadness.

It was full of a range of experiences, some amazing, some challenging, and some that still impact me, and thousands of other veterans, years after service.

I risked losing my life while deployed to the Middle East, mainly via indirect fires, such as rockets, being shot at my base.

Although pharmaceuticals can help treat symptoms temporarily, the pain itself does not go away.

To give you a sense of how the trauma of war comes back to me while back at home in the U.S., I remember once reacting to a Capri Sun juice box wrapper lying on the ground.

My experience with cannabis in my younger years led me to believe that it would be more helpful than the antidepressants I was taking.

When I started consuming cannabis, I would sleep throughout the entire night without experiencing any nightmares or anxiety.

Many patients in the markets where Curaleaf operates are veterans like me who are frustrated with the current treatment options, and want to make sure cannabis is recognized and respected.

However, it does not matter if you are a veteran, have a stable career or have kids, you can still be a responsible patient or member of society who uses cannabis.

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