Ignorance Still Plagues The Field Of Cannabis Medicine

In recent weeks I was speaking with my good friend and fellow industry professional Dr.

Uma is a highly respected physician trained in Family Medicine and Occupational & Environmental Medicine, a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, and a Diplomate Certified in Cannabinoid Medicine.

Despite a decorated career in medicine and international recognition, the Hartford was cancelling her property insurance for the Global Health and Hygiene Solutions office in Cambridge because “ that her operations include Cannabinoid Medicine.” The letter does not allege that Dr.

Simply put, there is absolutely no increased risk for a property insurer where one of its insured business locations happens to be a physician helping people get better – by providing answers to cancer patients, to children with seizure conditions, and to so many more medical issues that can scientifically be treated with cannabis.

We represent industry titans around the globe, with offices in seventeen states and ten nations, continually positioning clients to thrive in this burgeoning global industry.

In addition to being credited for creating the class of lawyers now known as “cannabis attorneys,” my legal strategies, litigation matters, and policy efforts executed on behalf of clients have been responsible for the establishment and growth of the CBD industry.

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