Looking For a Healthier, Alcohol-Free Buzz? These Cannabis Drinks Fit the Bill

The uncertainty around the pandemic has triggered stress and anxiety for many people, but it probably goes without saying that booze isn’t the healthiest way to cope.

That may explain why a 2020 Harris Poll found that 45 percent of adults have reduced or replaced their alcohol consumption with cannabis, and observed more genuine social connectedness and better overall health as a result of making the switch.

I can speak to these perks from experience: in the interest of cutting back on my drinking at the end of 2020, I tried replacing my nightly glass of wine with Cann, a carbonated “social tonic” with microdoses of cannabis.

Not only that, but CBD actually helps to put a damper on the psychoactive effects of THC — which means that if like me, you were left traumatized by negative college experiences with marijuana, you won’t have to worry about a scary high.

So, whether your alcohol consumption has ticked up lately, you don’t like the way you feel the day after downing a drink or two, or you just find that boozing negatively impacts your mood, mental health, or sleep quality, cannabis may just be the solution.

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