Mason Jar Event Group Creates Cannabis Paired Brunches – Travel Noire

Mason Jar Event Group has been in operation, creating unique, high-end, cannabis-centric events in Colorado for over seven years.

Kendal  Norris, owner of Mason Jar Event Group, is a master at curating cannabis paired brunch events and gatherings with grand ambiance.

Friends and strangers alike join the event, all eager to learn about and consume cannabis alongside their meal.

One of the poshest events in Denver, Mason Jar Event Group consistently gives guests an experience that tops no other cannabis- oriented event.

Guests meet around 11 in the morning and have light sips and eats before heading to a yoga experience led by Lauren Lewis.

Indulge in live music by Roma Ransom, “refreshing libations by Keef Brands and some perusing in the “Mason Jar Marketplace” including booths from our event sponsors and partners, tarot readings with The Highest Healing,” and much more.

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