NY now wants Trump to pay back $370M in civil fraud-trial damages: how that breaks down

This is a fascinating case, and I can see why people would have strong opinions about it. On one hand, if Trump did commit fraud, then he should certainly face the consequences of his actions. On the other hand, some might argue that the penalty is too high, or that the state is overreaching in its demand for additional oversight.

In terms of the requested $370 million in damages, it seems like a significant amount, but ultimately it’s up to the court to decide whether that figure is justified. The additional demand for monitoring the Trump Organization for an extended period could also be seen as controversial, as it may impose a significant burden on the company. However, if the court finds that the organization poses a risk to consumers or investors, it could be seen as a reasonable precaution.

As for the potential harm to Trump’s reputation, that’s a separate issue altogether. Whether or not he pays the damages, the fact that he was accused of fraud could have long-lasting effects on his public image. That being said, it’s important to remember that everyone is entitled to due process and a fair trial, so we should let the legal system do its job before making any judgments.

Overall, this is a complex issue with many different factors to consider. It will be interesting to see how the case unfolds and what the ultimate outcome will be.