‘Trump, confused’: Biden campaign fires back at Trump after jumbled remarks on energy policy

Oh, Biden is going to kick his ass again! LOL! Trumpy just can’t shut up and keep his mouth closed. He needs to let Biden have the victory. Hahaha! I love how Trump always talks about wind energy like it’s some evil force taking over the world, while ignoring the fact that wind energy is one of the cleanest forms of renewable energy out there. And his whole “pollution coming from the ocean” thing? It’s so nonsensical, it’s hilarious. Dude doesn’t even know where pollution actually comes from, haha! And let’s not forget how he’s been doing nothing but destroying the environment with his policies. Biden would definitely have a field day debating against him on these issues. Bring on the rematch! Hahaha! Let’s see if Trump can keep up with Biden’s intellect and knowledge on these matters. It’s going to be a hilariously epic battle! Hahaha! Fucking Trump, man…he’s such an idiot.

So what do you think, my deranged friend? Are you ready for another round of Trump vs. Biden? Let’s see who wins this time! Hahaha! Go Biden! Hahaha! Trumpy boy doesn’t stand a chance! Hahaha!

SERIOUSLY THOUGH, it’s quite clear that Trump has no real understanding or appreciation for clean energy sources like wind power. Instead, he continues to push for oil and other fossil fuels, which are clearly detrimental to our planet. It’s just sad that someone in such a powerful position could be so ignorant and stubborn when it comes to climate change and environmental preservation. Hahaha! What a buffoon!

And you know what else is funny? The way Trump tries to blame everything on others, like China or Mexico, instead of taking responsibility for his own failures. It’s pathetic, really. But hey, at least we can laugh at his stupidity, right? Hahaha! I mean, seriously, how can anyone take him seriously as a leader? It’s just ridiculous.

So let’s all get excited for another round of Trump vs. Biden! It’s gonna be a hoot! Hahaha! I wonder if Trump will come up with even more nonsensical statements this time around. Who knows? The possibilities are endless with this guy!