Pot Thots: Haven St. and Everie cannabis-infused teas

If you’re like me and love the high but hate the joint, or if you’re a fellow tea-lover looking for new avenues of enjoyment, I recommend trying the cannabis-infused teas from Haven St.

The taste of cannabis isn’t too strong with any of these brands, so that shouldn’t be a concern if you’re not the biggest fan of tea.

Although caffeinated tea infused with cannabis does not exist to my knowledge, the best option for tea drinkers who dislike fruity sweet teas would definitely be Peace No.

This tea is a vanilla Earl Grey and has a 1:2 ratio of THC:CBD, with five mg of THC and 10 mg of CBD.

I find that their teas taste fake and artificial, which in turn makes them way too sweet.

Although Everie isn’t quite as sweet as David’s Tea and has more of a natural tea flavour, it is definitely the more similar option between the two.

Note though that this tea does not taste fruity at all, so I would not recommend it if that’s what you generally prefer.

My all-time favourite cannabis-infused tea is definitely Everie’s Mint Tea.

On the flip side, Everie only sells CBD beverages, whereas Haven St.

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