Seth Meyers: ‘Trump talks about presidential powers like they’re Mountain Dew flavors’

Jimmy Kimmel joked that it was a “total dick move” by House Republicans to hold the hearing closed, making it impossible for anyone to watch. He also noted that while President Trump has been tweeting about Hillary Clinton’s emails, Joe Biden has been visiting Congressional hearings. Seth Meyers pointed out that Trump’s claims of executive privilege are being used to avoid accountability, and that this sets a dangerous precedent for future presidents to abuse power. Stephen Colbert commented on the absurdity of the situation, saying that it’s like something out of a movie or a satire. He also expressed concern about the potential implications of Trump’s behavior on the stability of American democracy. Overall, these late-night hosts are using humor to highlight the ridiculousness and potential dangers of the current political climate. They are encouraging their audiences to pay attention to what is happening and to be critical of those in power.