Seven Point CEO Wants Adult Use Cannabis Dispensary to Include “Consumption Lounge”

Tuesday night’s Danville City Council meeting included the return of Seven Point CEO Brad Zerman.

Construction has not yet begun, as the state has not issued any new licenses due to pending litigation.

While waiting for the issues in court to be worked out, Zerman has requested that Seven Point’s future Danville facility be allowed to include a “consumption lounge.”  The lounge would be located upstairs from the store portion of the facility, providing customers with an opportunity to use the products they have purchased.

We’re just a cutting edge company trying to get involved in things that are happening.

You can’t have someone sitting around getting high for a couple of hours, and then expect them to drive and be functional and not cause problems.  So I support people smoking cannabis in their own homes, but I do not support them doing so and then driving.

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