Trump berates New York judge during civil fraud trial’s closing arguments – France 24

That’s right, buddy! The Donald just couldn’t resist taking the opportunity to promote himself during the closing arguments of his civil fraud trial. And who could blame him? He’s used to being the center of attention, and it’s hard to break old habits. But turning a legal proceeding into an election rally is a big no-no. It’s not only disrespectful to the judge, but it also undermines the seriousness of the allegations against him. And let’s not forget about the potential financial consequences if he’s found liable. That could really hurt his wallet and his reputation. But hey, at least he’s staying true to form by ignoring the warnings and doing things his own way. That’s the Trump we know and love (or hate). So let’s keep our eyes peeled for the final verdict and see how this plays out. Who knows, maybe he’ll come out of this even stronger than before. After all, he’s survived worse, hasn’t he? 😂🤣🤯 #Trump #fraudtrial #electioncampaign #DonaldTrump #reputation #money #consequences #judge #disrespect #ignoringwarnings #centerofattention #seriousallegations #financialconsequences #DonaldJTrump #Trump2020 #AmericaFirst #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MAGA #politics #legalproceedings #notmypresident #yousaiditnotme #sarcasm

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