Vista approves recreational cannabis, bans single-use plastic unless requested

The new rule is intended to cut down on waste and litter, and Vista is the sixth city in the county to take action to cut back on single-use plastic items. Encinitas, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, San Diego and Solana Beach have similar ordinances.

As originally written, the ordinance did not mention whether eateries could have dispensers for customers to help themselves to plastic items, and Franklin said an amendment specifically allowing them would clear up possible confusion.

Also last week, council members unanimously agreed to amend city codes to allow Vista’s 11 medicinal-use cannabis dispensaries to also sell cannabis products for recreational use.

“Someone reported to me that they spoke to the doctor and told the doctor, ‘I just want to get high,’” he said.

Councilwoman Katie Melendez said most of the people she had spoken to about Measure Z said they had assumed it was for adult recreational cannabis use.

During last week’s meeting, a staff member said that had happened in Vista, where more than 50 illegal dispensaries had opened over the years before the passage of Measure Z.

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