When Is a Horror Movie Not a Horror Movie?

Twitter being Twitter, some of the responses were flip, like “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “Cats.” But there were also heavy hitters like “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “Parasite.” Children’s films, including “Pinocchio” and “Bambi,” made the cut.

Horror has always been an elastic and regenerative genre.

The film follows an unsettled Princess of Wales as she spends a Christmas holiday on the precipice of a madness that may not be real.

Read reviews and these films sound like Shudder originals.

He was riveted by horror movies as a child in Scranton, Pa.; his gateway drug was the Disney ghost story “The Watcher in the Woods” , with Bette Davis as the owner of an English mansion who’s mourning her missing daughter.

At the family table there’s turkey and good-natured ribbing, but also difficult conversations about work, love and depression.

There are eerie portraits of spooky people, like the art from a possessed castle in a Hammer Film.

Andrew Scahill, an assistant professor of film at the University of Colorado, Denver, said that wasn’t a coincidence: for many people, family reunions and shame-filled year-end assessments are terrifying.

“Some genres are more elastic than others,” said Scahill, the author of “The Revolting Child in Horror Cinema.” “A mystery is predicated on surprising its audience,” he explained.

Another reason this discussion isn’t going anywhere is that the old debates still have legs.

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