Why More People Are Choosing Cannabis Over Alcohol

How many of us look forward to a drink at the end of a hard work week? Some even look forward to it after a particularly hard day.

Even though alcohol may help you feel good for a short period of time, it can affect your health in the long run.

If you consume more than this, your system becomes saturated, and the additional alcohol will accumulate in the blood and body tissues until it can be metabolized.

Consuming cannabis in any form activates receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system, a network of cell receptors that responds both to natural cannabinoids produced by the body and to compounds in the cannabis plant.

If you have experienced a hangover, you know they are not fun, and when you have one, there isn’t much you can do to relieve it but suffer through it.

People have been known to have some unwanted side effects when consuming too much THC, but if you moderate and know the right dosage for yourself, you can avoid that.

Overdoing your alcohol intake can put you in serious danger, whether you need to get your stomach pumped from alcohol poisoning or even death related to too much alcohol.

Alcohol affects your sleep in a few negative ways.

There are many ways to use cannabis effectively and different combinations can help to relieve stress or anxiety, and there are obvious reasons it’s better for you than alcohol.

When she’s not chasing after her firey toddler, she has a couple of freelance writing gigs that keep her busy.

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