4 Contaminants of Medical Cannabis – Labmate Online

Medical cannabis is prescribed to treat a myriad of issues and ailments, from chronic pain and severe nausea to PTSD and anxiety.

Microbial contamination is a major concern for cannabis producers and consumers, with recent studies identifying multiple types of fungi in dispensary products.

Scientists have also detected Fusarium species in medical cannabis products, which can produce mycotoxins associated with disease in humans.

While this has won the cannabis plant attention from scientists searching for ways to cleanse contaminated soils, the absorbency characteristics pose a threat to consumers.

Despite having natural pest-resistant properties, the cannabis plant is still treated with insecticides, fungicides and other chemical products.

“Unfortunately, the classification of Cannabis as a schedule 1 drug federally makes the development and implementation of nationwide standards impossible at the moment, which if left unchanged, could lead to significant health complications in those turning to Cannabis for its medicinal properties,” state the authors of an article published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology.

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