Cannabis accessory store owner transitions to dispensary | Chatham Daily News

Owner Curtis Lemieux started his business a few doors down in spring 2018 as a cannabis accessory store ahead of the drug’s legalization later that year, but always had plans to add a dispensary to his operation.

“Mostly the size was the biggest seller for it on us,” Lemieux said of choosing the new space.

We’ve been broken in at the other place three times and the whole front of the building was all glass.

The entrepreneur works at the store with his fiancée, Paige Glasier, as well as one full-time and one part-time employee for now.

In Chatham alone, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario has authorized 10 stores, though at least one has since closed.

It actually gave us the opportunity to see what we liked and what we didn’t like in some of the other stores and how the industry is going.

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